Equipment List & Charging Schemes

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Effective from 1 Nov 2023. 

Name of Equipment (a)HKUST internal users: Instruction use and academic research1) HKUST internal users: Non-RGC/UGC government projects
2) Sister institute users: RGC/UGC funded projects
External industrial users, service contracts (b)Online Booking/Request
Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence$220/polymer sample, $300/sample
(5 samples or less)
(operated by staff)
$240/polymer sample, $335/sample
(5 samples or less)
(operated by staff)
$655/polymer sample, $910/sample
(5 samples or less)
XRF (under maintenance) 
Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrophotometer [Varian]$176/hour$285/hour$725/hourICP-OES [Varian] 
Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrophotometer [Perkin Elmer/Avio 200]$176/hour$285/hour$725/hourICP-OES-Avio(d)
(d) The current setup of Avio ICP is for aqueous sample analysis. If user needs to analyse organic samples, please contact ENVF staff ( first.
Gas Chromatograph with Mass Selective Detector System in Electron Ionization (EI) mode$200/day$600/day$2660/dayGC-MS-EI
Gas Chromatograph with Mass Selective Detector System in Electron Ionization (EI) mode + Headspace Sampler$260/day$710/day$2990/dayGC-MS-EI + Headspace(c)
(c) To use Headspace Sampler, please contact ENVF staff ( for the installation arrangement.
Gas Chromatograph with Electron Capture Detector + Headspace Sampler$145/day$605/day$2555/dayGC-ECD + Headspace(c)
FID is the current detector attached to the GC. If user needs to use ECD, please inform ENVF technician beforehand.
(c) To use Headspace Sampler, please contact ENVF staff ( for the installation arrangement.
Gas Chromatograph with Mass Selective Detector (+chemical ionization) System (Agilent 7890B GC/5977B MSD)$235/day$720/day$3185/dayGC-MS-CI
Total Organic Carbon Analyzer$240/half day (4 hrs)$500/half day (4 hrs)$1465/half day (4 hrs)TOC
HPLC System with PDA & FLR Detector$160/half day (4 hrs)$340/half day (4 hrs)$1115/half day (4 hrs)HPLC
HPLC System with PDA & Evaporative LS Detector$200/half day (4 hrs)$425/half day (4 hrs)$1395/half day (4 hrs)HPLC2
RAMAN Microscope$65/hour$125/hour$1210/half day (4 hrs)Out of order 
UV/VIS/NIR Spectrometer$65/hour$125/hour$1050/half day (4 hrs)UVVIS NIR(e)
(e) A new Lambda 1050+ UV/Vis/NIR Spectrophotometer has replaced the old Lambda 950 one. Users please consult our technicians if they are in doubt of the new one’s operation.
Scanning Electron Microscope with EDXS System$65/hour$125/hour$2540/daySEM(f)
(f) Please note that the function of elemental maps is currently unavailable as the EDS is out of order.
Liquid Chromatograph (LC) - Mass Spectrometer (MS) with Triple Quadrupole System (QTRAP System)$380/day$1270/day$3810/dayLCMS 
LCMS data processing PC---LCMS-PC
Portable Water Quality Measurement System (DO, pH, ORP, Temperature, Conductivity, Phycocyanin)$100/day$200/day$500/dayPWQMS

(a) All instruments (except for XRF) are operated by users after training.
(b) Instruments are operated by ENVF staff.

1 day = 8 hours unless otherwise specified
1 half-day = 4 hours

Charging Scheme for Biological Facilities

Name of Equipment / FacilityCharges for HKUST UsersRequest
Autoclave for sterilization$90/4 hours, cap at $180/dayAutoclave
Biological Safety Cabinet (Class II) for bacterial/fungi culture$60 per use or per dayBSC1
Biological Safety Cabinet (Class II) for cell line culture$60 per use or per dayBSC2
Microbiological Incubator (28C for fungi)$60 per use in 24 hoursIncu28
Microbiological Incubator (37C for bacterial culture)$60 per use in 24 hoursIncu37
Orbital Shaking Incubator (for bacterial culture)$60 per use in 24 hoursIncuShak
CO2 Incubator (for human/animal cell line culture)$60 per use in 24 hoursIncuCO2
Beckman GS-15R Centrifuge (for cell culture only)$75/4 hours, cap at $150/dayCentrifuge
Freezer (3 larger units and 1 small unit for -20C storage)large unit: $100/unit/month or $800/unit/year
small unit: $50/unit/month or $400/unit/year
Cold room (16 60x60x60cm3 units for 4C storage)$100/unit/month or $800/unit/yearColdroom

Other Lab Equipment and Service

CategoryName of EquipmentCharges for HKUST Users*Request
Other EquipmentElectronic BalanceFree (1)General Request Form
Furnace & OvenFree (1)
Ultrapure Water SystemFree (1)
PM2.5/PM10 sampling setFree (1)
Gas sampling pump for sorbent tube applicationFree (1)
Gas sampling bag (3L and 5L)Free (1)
Calibration flowmeter (0-30 L/min and 0-5 L/min)Free (1)
Calibration flowmeter (5ml-500ml/min)Free (1)
OthersFree (1)
General Service 


*Please note that the charge will subject to change without prior notice. It does not include consumables. 

1 Kindly note that only equipment cost is free.

Environmental Database and Computational Cluster (Effective from 1 Oct 2019)

  • HK$500/month/user for database
  • HK$100/hour/user for computational equipment and cap at HK$3,000/month
  • HK$250/hour for staff cost and cap at HK$4,000/month

HKUST Air Quality Research Supersite (Effective from 1 Oct 2019)

  • HK$500/month/user for site access