Satellite Informatics System for Surface Particulate Matter Distribution
People are most concerned about their local environment. Therefore, it is crucial to have specific AQ information down to their neighbourhood to raise public awareness. Currently, this is not available in HK or anywhere else. Based on satellite remote-sensing data, we have developed algorithms to calculate the surface Particular Matter (PM) distribution with resolution down to 1 km. The validity of our algorithms has already been proven with the air quality monitoring station's data from the EPD.

Study of Wind Energy Resources over Hong Kong
The purpose of this Study of Wind Energy Resources on the Hong Kong website is to promote a better understanding of the potential to use wind energy in Hong Kong. The main feature of the Study of Wind Energy Resources over the Hong Kong website is an interactive map to provide estimates of wind speed and energy in Hong Kong during any period from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2006. Estimates can be given for specific points or selected areas. The website also provides maps illustrating Hong Kong's land classifications and the distribution of wind resources within the city.

Removal of Organic Aerosols and Odors in Cooking Exhaust
A large amount of cooking fume and odor are generated in the restaurant kitchens. This cooking fume has been found to be harmful to humans if the concentration is high. It is also a serious air pollution problem in Hong Kong. A removal system based on the integration of novel and matured technologies is proposed to remove this problem. The system uses a laminar-flow hood with a proven oil droplet filter, to remove most of the fume (~70%) generated during cooking. The remaining fume and odor are concentrated by an adsorption/ desorption unit and then destroyed by thermal degradation in the burner of the gas stove. Any trace combustion products can be catalytically removed, if necessary.

Mobile Real-time Air Monitoring Platform (MAP)
MAP stands for Mobile real-time Air monitoring Platform, a project funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club and it is a new concept to obtain high intensity and continuous air quality data from a moving platform. MAP is a vehicle equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and instruments to monitor air pollution on the road in a real-time, in situ model, in contrast to the conventional stationary techniques. Real-time mapping is more cost-effective than stationary because of the high quality and intensity of the data and its ability to cover a much larger territory in a short time.

Aerosol Generated During Toilet Flushing
Since the outbreak of SARS in spring 2003, concern has arisen over hygiene in washroom. The institute thus launched a study on aerosol generated around toilet bowl during flushing, in hope of obtaining an insight into the possibility of spread of bacteria at the flushing progress.

Integrated Assessment System for Renewable Energy Resources
We propose to create a common platform for integrated assessment of the quantity and quality of these RE resources over Hong Kong and Guangdong. The system will help our professionals to provide more specific RE resources assessment and recommendations to their clients, and also help our industries to better plan their investments as they try to enter into this rapidly growing market in Guangdong.

River Estuary Pollution Project (PREPP)
The objective of the Pearl River Estuary Pollution Project (PREPP) is to use a combination of traditional and new technologies to gain a solid understanding of the status of selected toxic pollutants, sediment, phytoplankton and nutrient levels in the Pearl River Estuary. Given the dramatic growth of industry and population in the area, this information is urgently needed to ensure that government pollution monitoring and control strategies are in line with the most serious threats to ecology and human health.

Pollution Index Forecast Model (APIFM)
In Hong Kong, there are more than 6.8 million people in an area of about 1100 km2, and an additional 20 million population in the surrounding Pearl River Delta area. The rapid growth of industry, the population and the overall economy in H.K. exerted substantial pressure on the environment in this region. The 1998 annual report from the HK Environmental Protection Department (EPD) pointed out the 'continuing poor air quality over Hong Kong', and also suggested that 'Hong Kong and mainland China may affect each other's air quality, but to what extent depends very much on the weather conditions and the type of pollutants involved'. The continuous monitoring and understanding of air quality (AQ) is therefore a subject of interest for both the government and the public.

The natural topography and the terrain on Lantau Island cause strong wind along the railway track to be amplified by wind gaps. The wind may reach intensities that may hamper the normal operation of the airport train service. Meteorological sensors are installed at strategic locations for on-site measurements and small-scale numerical flow field modeling. The system is designed for maximum reliability and minimum downtime. It is a robust system with redundant hardware and control processes that automatically handle defective sensors and/or data communication without interrupting the real-time data collection. Under very extreme conditions when sensors are not in operation, the system has the intelligence to estimate the wind condition by regression using historical data and data from the nearby sites.
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